Our devoted team of professionals is here to help you through your financial path. We provide a comprehensive range of services geared to your specific needs, whether you are an individual or a business. We are dedicated to providing quality in all aspects of accounting, from tax preparation to financial counselling. Allow us to assist you in achieving financial success.
Audit & Assurance
- Statutory and non-statutory engagements
- System evaluations and recommendations
- Agreed upon procedures
- Forensic audits
- Special purpose assurance reports
- Independent Reviews
- Write up of Company Register/ Retainer
- Submission of annual return (CIPC)
- Submission of AFS & FAS
- Submission of Companies Compliance Checklist
- Registrations (Company, Trust)
- Memorandum of Incorporation (Long/Short)
- Conversions (M&A to MOI/ Close Corporation to Company)
- Name reservation/change
- Shares (Allotment, buy back, transfer, increase, section 42)
- Appointment/ Resignation/ Change (Director, Trustee, Member)
- Confirmation letters
- Resolutions
Accounting/Cloud Accounting
- Monthly bookkeeping
- Calculation of VAT, completion and submission of VAT201 returns
- Compilation of financial statements
- Preparation of management reports, budgets and cash flow projections
- Submission of returns (annual return, provisional return, dividend withholding return)
- Taxpayer Registrations (Individual, Trust, Company & Close Corporation)
- Other Registrations (VAT, Diesel, PAYE, UIF, SDL, Compensation Commissioner, Customs)
- Applications (Directive, exemption, tax clearance)
- Ad hoc services (Penalty waiver, request for correction, notice of objection, notice of appeal)
- SARS appointment
- Advance tax planning and advice
Estate & Administration
- Estate & Administration
- Estate planning
- Estate administration
- Wills
- Monthly retainer of payroll
- Submission of returns (EMP201 – monthly submission, EMP501 – half yearly submission)
- Compilation of payslips
- UIF declaration electronic submission
- Facilitate registrations for PAYE, UIF and COIDA
- Completion and submission of COIDA returns